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Results [8]

Your searching is: Property type: 2 - bedroom apartments  | Order by Price (Ascend)
Apartment for rent
2 - bedroom apartments
Area: 140 sq.m
Center, Bourgas city
Rental: ˆ 250
[ˆ 2/sq.m]
Àpartment for rent
2 - bedroom apartments
Area: 70 sq.m
Meden Rudnik, Bourgas city
Rental: ˆ 275
[ˆ 4/sq.m]
aprtment foe rent
2 - bedroom apartments
Area: 87 sq.m
Bratia Miladinovi, Bourgas city
Rental: ˆ 300
[ˆ 3/sq.m]
Apartment for sale
2 - bedroom apartments
Area: 58 sq.m
, Bourgas city
Sells: ˆ 55`900
[ˆ 964/sq.m]
Apartment for sale
2 - bedroom apartments
Area: 100 sq.m
Vazrajdane, Bourgas city
Sells: ˆ 110`000
[ˆ 1100/sq.m]
Apartment for sale
2 - bedroom apartments
Area: 125 sq.m
Slaveikov, Bourgas city
Sells: ˆ 108`000
[ˆ 864/sq.m]
Àpartment for sale
2 - bedroom apartments
Area: 100 sq.m
Izgrev, Bourgas city
Sells: ˆ 120`000
[ˆ 1200/sq.m]
Apartment for sale
2 - bedroom apartments
Area: 75 sq.m
, Bourgas city
Sells: ˆ 145`000
[ˆ 1933/sq.m]
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Requirements: Property type: 2 - bedroom apartments
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